7 June (Friday) SACRED HEART Christian (Roman Catholic)
The Sacred Heart of Jesus is a devotional with long and historic provenance within Christianity, and in modern times has been established as a Solemnity for the universal Church. |
Great dragon boat races take place between slim rowing boats (sometimes 100 feet long) shaped like dragons. People also go down to the rivers to picnic and celebrate on boats. |
12 June (Wednesday) - 13 June (Thursday) SHAVUOT / THE FEAST OF WEEKS / PENTECOST Jewish
Seven weeks after Pesach, Shavuot celebrates the revelation of the Torah on Mount Sinai and the early harvest season in Israel. Summer flowers and dairy foods abound. |
13 June (Thursday) ASCENSION Christian (Eastern Orthodox)
This day commemorates the last earthly appearance of the Risen Christ, who, according to Christian belief, ascended into heaven in the presence of many witnesses |
15 June (Saturday) HAJJ Begins/ PILGRIMAGE TO MAKKAH (8th to 12th Dhul-Hijjah) Muslim
All Muslims who can afford to do so, and are not prevented through ill-health, are required to make this pilgrimage once in their lifetime (although there is no prohibition on making the pilgrimage more than once). A series of ritual acts are performed by the pilgrims during the first two days of Hajj. |
16 June (Sunday) YOUM-ARAFAH (9th Dhul-Hijjah) Muslim
Arafat Day is the second day of the Hajj pilgrimage and is the day before the first day of the major Islamic Holiday of Eid. Arafat Day falls on the 9th day of Dhu al-Hijjah, the twelfth and final month in the Islamic calendar. |
16 June (Sunday) MARTYRDOM OF GURU ARJAN DEV (1606) Sikh
The fifth Guru was executed on the orders of the Moghul Emperor, Jehangir, for refusing to pay a fine arising from a charge of treason. Guru Arjan made the first compilation of the Sikh Scriptures, called the Adi Granth, and supervised the completion of what is now the Golden Temple in Amritsar. A gurpurb is held on this day, including an akhand path. |
17 June (Monday) EID-UL-ADHA / THE FESTIVAL OF SACRIFICE (10th Dhul-Hijjah) Muslim
This major festival (al-Eid al-Kabir) commem orates Ibrahim’s (Abraham’s) willingness to sacrifice his son, Ismail. Muslims all over the world sacrifice an animal if they can afford it. Much of the meat is distributed to the poor, and some is shared with relatives and friends. |
19 June (Wednesday) END OF HAJJ Muslim
The last day of the Hajj pilgrimage. |
20 June (Thursday) MIDSUMMER SOLSTICE Wiccan / Pagan
The summer solstice is the festival of Midsummer, sometimes called Litha. The light of the sun is at the height of its power. It is a time of plenty and celebration. |
20 June (Thursday) SUMMER SOLSTICE (Alban Heruin or Alban Hefin) Druid
The summer solstice is the festival of Midsummer, sometimes called Litha. The light of the sun is at the height of its power. It is a time of plenty and celebration. |
21 June (Friday) WORLD HUMANIST DAY National
This Humanist holiday is celebrated annually around the world on the June solstice. It is seen as a time for Humanists to gather socially to promote the positive values of Humanism. Methods of celebration are left to individuals, but some groups develop intricate social rituals, music, and proceedings which highlight the celebration. |
23 June (Sunday) PENTECOST Christian (Eastern Orthodox)
An important festival in the Christian year, Pentecost is often seen as the ‘birthday’ of the Church, since this is when the disciples of Jesus first proclaimed the Gospel after receiving the gift of the Holy Spirit. It is named after the Jewish festival day on which this event happened. |
24 June (Monday) MIDSUMMER DAY National
One of the four Quarter Days in the UK legal calendar. |
25 June (Tuesday) THE FESTIVAL OF THE POOL / EID UL GHADEER Muslim (Shi‘a)
This is a festival observed by Shi‘a Muslims, for whom it is an extremely important day. It commemorates an event shortly before the death of the Prophet and his announcement concerning Ali, which they understand to be his clear appointment to be successor to the prophet as the spiritual and temporal leader of Islam. |
29 June (Saturday) SAINTS PETER AND PAUL Christian
The Feast of Saints Peter and Paul or Solemnity of Saints Peter and Paul is a litergical feats in honour of the martydom in Rome of the apostles of Saint Peter and Paul. The celebration is of ancient Christian origin, the date selected being the anniversary of either their death or the translation of their relics. |
30 June (Sunday) JASHN-E TIRGAN (TIR JASHAN) Zoroastrian (Iranian)
Jashn-e Tirgan is an ancient summer festival, celebrated some three months after the spring NoRuz. Tirgan is devoted to the divinity Tir and is associated with the dog-star Sirius, the coming of the rains in Iran and the fertility they bring. On this day it is customary to visit the Fire Temple to give thanks to Ahura Mazda, and to participate in a jashan or thanksgiving ceremony. |